Corporate Information

Brydens Inc. is a privately owned, limited liability company incorporated under the law of the U.S.A. and the State of Florida. Shareholders are A.S.BRYDEN & SONS (B�DOS) LTD., A. S. BRYDEN & SONS (T�DAD) LTD, BRYDEN & PARTNERS LTD, BRYDEN & MINORS LTD, A. S. BRYDEN & SONS (ANT.) LTD, BRYDEN & SPROTT LTD.

Directors � The directors of the company are John Bellamy � President, Ian Fitzwilliam � Vice President, Andrew Lewis � Vice President, David Minors � Treasurer, Ryan Fields � Secretary/Operations Manager, Keith Maingot & Terry Deligney.

Managers � Operations Manager � Mr. Ryan Fields � Brydens Inc., Miami. Mr. Tomas De La Hoz, Customer Services Manager, Brydens Inc., Miami. Group Marketing Manager � Mr. Charles Gittens � Brydens, Barbados.